Administrative Assistant I (Computer Operator I)

Administrative Aide III (Clerk I)
Office Mandate
Office of the Municipal Administrator
Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the mayor, implement the same particularly those which have to do with the management and administration-related programs and projects which the mayor is empowered to implement and which the sanggunian is empowered to provide for under this Code;
In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the administrator shall:
Assist in the coordination of the work of all the officials of the local government unit, under the supervision, direction, and control of the mayor, and for this purpose, he may convene the chiefs of offices and other officials of the local government unit;
Establish and maintain a sound personnel program for the local government unit designed to promote career development and uphold the merit principle in the local government service;
Conduct a continuing organizational development of the local government unit with the end in view of instituting effective administrative reforms;
Be in the frontline of the delivery of administrative support services, particularly those related to the situations during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;
Recommend to the sanggunian and advise the mayor, on all other matters relative to the management and administration of the local government unit; and
Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
For any concerns or inquiries, you may contact us through: