Project Development Officer III
Statistician I
Information Systems Analyst I
Zoning Inspector I
Draftsman II
Office Mandate
Office of the Municipal Planning and Dev't Coordinator
The Municipal Planning and Development Office finds its mandate under section 38-316, 305 (k), 443 and 476 of Republic Act 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, which provides for its duties and function, to wit;
• To Formulate, and Integrate economic, social, physical and other development plans and policies for consideration of the Local Government Development Council;
• Conduct continuing studies, researches, and training program necessary to evolve plans and programs for implementation;
• Integrate and Coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken by the different functional groups or agencies;
• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different development programs, project and activities in the Local Government unit concerned in accordance with the approved development plans;
• Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning documents for the consideration of the Local Development Council;
• Analyze the income and expenditures pattern and formulate and recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance committee of the Local Government Unit concerned as provided under the title Five Book II of RA 7160;
• Promote peoples’ participation in development planning within the Local Government Unit concerned;
• Exercise supervision and control over the secretarial of the Local Development Council and;
• Prepare Project Plans, POW and Detailed Cost Estimates for Planning, Development and Implementation in the municipality;
• Exercise such other powers and perform such other function and duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
For any concerns, questions or complaints regarding programs, projects, officers or employees, please send an email to: Email: pilarsor.mpdo@gmail.com
OMPDC Hotline: 0947 852 3775