LGU Inspection and Certification Team awards Safety Seal to 33 business establishments
Four months to count which commenced in July 29, 2021 and up to this writing ,the team awards the Safety Seal Certification to thirty-three (33) business establishments. The issuance of the Seal affirms that said establishments had been inspected and were found compliant with minimum public health standards, its contact tracing is integrated with StaySafe.ph and possess business permit or franchise.
The LGU Inspection and Certification Committee, based on the DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2021-053, is composed of the following:
6. Such other officials as maybe assigned by the local chief executive.
Executive Order No. 37 Series of 2021, “An Order Creating the LGU Inspection and Certification Committee for the Implementation of the Safety Seal Certification Program under Joint Memorandum Circular No. 21-01 Se. 2021 in the Municipality of Pilar” was issued by the Office of the Mayor on June 14, 2021. It shall perform the following functions under Section 2:
a) Conduct inspection of establishment assigned to it;
b) Issue Safety Seal;
c) Monitor the compliance;
d) Revoke the Seal pursuant to the provisions of JMC No. 21-01.
BPLO Adelfa B. Mallapre, as chairman of the LGU Inspection and Certification Committee, started communicating the said program to all registered business establishments as per their database, immediately after the orientation on Safety Seal Program conducted by MLGOO Edcela Gubia. In close coordination with the members of the Committee, schedules have been set for the inspection jobs.
Among the business establishments inspected, 33 were awarded the Safety Seal, there are few who are still on the process of improving some deficiencies required to be included in their effort to pass the criteria of the program.
In the IATF Resolution No. 87, The Safety Seal Certification Program aims to increase compliance by public and private entities with the minimum public health standards set by the government. It also seeks to encourage the adoption and use of the StaySafe.ph digital contact tracing application.
It is the intention of the government to establish an increased consumer confidence as it reopens the economy. It is also heartwarming to know that business establishments are open-minded to embrace some adjustments and changes in their business operation thus, prioritizing the safety of the consumers over profit and personal gains. (Pilar PIO)