LGU Pilar hosts 2-day Pre-Migration Orientation Seminar administered by DMW ROVPILAR, SORSOGON- Pilar Local Government Unit hosts 2-day Pre-Migration Orientation Seminar (PMOS) administered by the Department of Migrant Workers Regional Office V (DMW ROV) on May 9-10, 2024 held at the Parau Hall C, 2nd flr., LGU Complex, Calongay, Pilar, Sorsogon.Pre-Migration Orientation Seminar is one of continue reading : LGU Pilar hosts 2-day Pre-Migration Orientation Seminar administered by DMW ROV

Top 10 offices bag awards as TOP in Performance Rating
Top 10 offices bag awards as TOP in Performance RatingPILAR, SORSOGON- LGU Pilar Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee on Monday, May 6, awarded the Top 10 performing offices with highest rating in OPCR/DPCR for July to December 2023 rating period.The Office of the Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan (OSSB) topped continue reading : Top 10 offices bag awards as TOP in Performance Rating

Pilar OFWs avail OWWA Orientation and Training Activities
PILAR OFWs AVAIL OWWA ORIENTATION ANDTRAINING ACTIVITIESPILAR, SORSOGON- Seventy-Nine OFWs and their dependents avail OWWA Program Orientation and Skills Training in three barangays of Pilar namely; Del Rosario, Palanas and Putiao on April 24, 25 and 26 respectively. The participants came from the 6 target barangays which the PESO identified considering the unserved OFWs in those continue reading : Pilar OFWs avail OWWA Orientation and Training Activities

PRAISE Committee recognizes Lumberio as Chess Champ
PRAISE Committee recognizes Lumberio as Chess ChampPILAR, SORSOGON. Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee recognizes Pilar’s pride in board game, Gerald Lumberio, for being the champion in the recently-concluded National Master Gerald Ferriol at Jessie Villasin Open Rapid Chess Tournament dubbed as GMG Chess Cup on April 6, 2024 held at continue reading : PRAISE Committee recognizes Lumberio as Chess Champ

Heat Index and High Temperature Advisory
Heat Index and High Temperature Advisory April 23, 2024

Pilar MDRRMO Lista cautions the public on 41.2 °C to 43 °C heat index for Sorsogon
Pilar MDRRMO Lista cautions the public on 41.2 °C to 43 °C heat index for SorsogonPILAR, SORSOGON. On 22 April 2024, Pilar Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer (MDRRMO) Arnol P. Lista cautions the public on 41.2 °C to 43 °C heat index in Sorsogon.In his announcement during the flag raising ceremony of the continue reading : Pilar MDRRMO Lista cautions the public on 41.2 °C to 43 °C heat index for Sorsogon

PILAR MAYOR AS RESOURCE SPEAKER FOR THE 34th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF LOCAL PLANNERS OF THE PHILIPPINESPILAR, SORSOGON- The 34th Annual National Convention of the League of Local Planning and Development Coordinators of the Philippines, Inc., held in Sorsogon from April 15 to 19, 2024 at Sorsogon Convention Center, Sorsogon City is hosted by Sorsogon Planners continue reading : PILAR MAYOR AS RESOURCE SPEAKER FOR THE 34th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF LOCAL PLANNERS OF THE PHILIPPINES

Feature Article: ISOlated Opinion
Pilar took the challenge for ISO 9001:2015 Certification courageously and passionately, with the mayor in control of the steering wheel to maneuver all employees to get to action, on hold of the compass that sets the time to make the most of it effectively and productively, all leading to direct all efforts to reach the continue reading : Feature Article: ISOlated Opinion

Mayor Sweet applauds Eco-Aides hardwork, gives 25 kilos rice each
Mayor Sweet applauds Eco-Aides hardwork, gives 25 kilos rice eachPILAR, SORSOGON- Pilar Mayor Carolyn “Sweet” C. Sy-Reyes, expresses an overwhelming appreciation of the hardwork of Pilareño Ground Keepers a.k.a Eco-Aides under Sorsogon Provincial Government’s Kalinigan Program thru the distribution of 25 kilos rice each worker today, April 1, 2024.Eighty-one workers distributed in Stretch 1 covering continue reading : Mayor Sweet applauds Eco-Aides hardwork, gives 25 kilos rice each

LGU-Pilar Affirms ISO 9001:2015 Recertification
Source: Pilar ISO-QMS Photos: OPIO