PWDs of Pilar get free services in celebration of NDPR WeekPILAR, SORSOGON- The Local Government Unit of Pilar celebrate this year’s National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (NDPR) week dubbed as “Promoting Inclusion: Celebrating Abilities and Advocating Access.”The National Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Week is annually celebrated in the Philippines every July 17-23 as recently declared continue reading : PWDs of Pilar get free services in celebration of NDPR Week

For the early identification of children with disabilities
The early identification of children with disabilities held in Women’s Office on July 10, 2018. The identification is consist of evaluations and tests like. Developmental evaluation, speech & occupational therapy, and sped intervention. The event is led by Dr. Agnes G. Fallelotelo, FPPS, FOSDBP (Developmentall & Behavioral Pediatrician), Nadine Fugio Emberga (Speech Therapist), Artis Fugio Emberga (Occupational Therapist) and Joan continue reading : For the early identification of children with disabilities